While everyone out there who owns a pet will swear by their unconditional love and support for them, what most of them don’t realize is that just love and support is not what it takes to raise a healthy and happy pet. There are a number of common mistakes most owners will make without even… The post Leave it to the Pros — A Vet’s Guide for Raising your Animals Right appeared first on Staples Animal Hospital.
While everyone out there who owns a pet will swear by their unconditional love and support for them, what most of them don’t realize is that just love and support is not what it takes to raise a healthy and happy pet.
There are a number of common mistakes most owners will make without even realizing that what they’re doing could be very harmful. As these things pile up, it will most definitely lead to much bigger problems down the line. Here are a few ways to nip those problems in the bud.
An extremely common mistake that most people make is asking everyone—except their vet—for advice when it concerns their pets. You may think your breeder, groomer, or trainer might know a thing or two about the animal but that’s about it. They only know a thing or two, and can’t possibly replace the years of medical knowledge and know-how that vets bring to the table.
While most people can’t stop obsessing about how cute their animals look with their chubby cheeks and round bellies, being overweight is really bad for your pet. Obesity can be fatal for your pet; you should not be stuffing their face out of love or feeding them treats excessively for being a “good boy/girl”.
You should try and maintain a proper diet with quality food and exercise so that they stay healthy and active.
This problem arises when pet owners are unaware of what essential care for their pet might be. Most basic mistakes people make is neglecting dental care, nail care and even check-ups with the vet.
Dental and nail hygiene for your pet is extremely important as these are things that you can’t discern visually and thus are easy to overlook. However, when overlooked, these problems grow and can lead to diseases and infections. Regular meetings with the vet can solve these issues and leave you with a happier and healthier pet.
We know you love your pet and we love them too! Our animal hospital in London, Ontario wants to ensure that your pet is healthy and living its best life with you.
Staples Animal Hospital strives to provide clients with advice and service from some of the best veterinary specialists around. Contact us now and give your furry friends the treatment they deserve!